Here is what our students are saying about us.
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Yoga Student Testimonials
Yogita Yoga Testimonial – Maggie T
She (Evelyn) has a scientific understanding of health and injury, which makes someone like me, who is carrying old injuries and health problems, feel safe and which inspires confidence. Maggie T.
Yogita Yoga Testimonial – Courtney
I really enjoy her (Evelyn’s) attention to all aspects of yoga (not just asana), that helps me find the calmness of mind that I’m looking for in my otherwise stressful life. Courtney
Yogita Yoga Testimonial – Ron
My work as a gardener is very demanding on my body. Just doing the two kick-start classes per week has helped me to do longer hours at work without all the side effects. I feel like I have a better sense of balance and am more mindful of the ways I can move to protect […]
Malas & Jewellery Testimonials
Anthea Jones – Mala Necklace Testimonial
I am an artist and my name means ‘lady of the flowers’. My Mala connects me to both my art and yoga practice and serves to remind me to source my inspiration from within as well as from the rich visual stimulation in the environment. In choosing the Beautiful Flower Mala I was initially drawn […]
Heather – Mala Necklace Testimonial
I’d attended a meditation workshop with Evelyn at the Yogita shala where she had shared her malas with us. It was a few weeks later, when the image of “my” mala came to me: the image of the ‘Amazing Wave Mala’ – an agate full of colour swirling against the darkness. I wear it now […]
Gen – Mala Necklace Testimonial
As well as being a beautiful necklace, the mala that was custom-made for me by Evelyn helps to deepen meditation practices, whether just beginning or already practiced. The description was thoughtful and incredibly accurate and it is a beautiful feeling to know that this mala was made just for me to suit and improve my […]
Yogita Chai Testimonials
Jo – Chai Latte Testimonial
Yogita Chai is an amazingly perfect blend of fine ingredients. I am a frequent traveller to India and Nepal and a lover of chai and the ritual that goes with brewing it, drinking it, smelling it and sharing it. I’ve tried for years to find and make a blend that is “just so” yet haven’t […]
Meredith – Chai Latte Testimonial
Warming blend of tea with thoughtfully blended ingredients. I have been brewing my Yogita Chai with a small long handled tea saucepan on the stove, adding milk and honey accordingly (in what is apparently the traditional way) There is something wonderful about the whole process of brewing done like this. As one who is something […]