Change of Scenery

A change of scenegardenry and routine can be refreshingly positive for body and mind: Having recently returned from Germany where I visited my Mom and sister for two weeks, I had time to reconnect with my heritage and family and also found time to just ‘smell the roses’ so to speak – literally, as our garden was in full bloom when I arrived.

Routine and discipline are wonderful traits to get our chores done and not get side-tracked or procrastinate, but they can also leave us ‘stuck in the rut’ in so many ways. In my previous job as a scientist I curiously found that my best ideas did not occur during office hours in front of my computer or in the laboratory, but during long walks and bike rides or by simply by chatting to people.Mami und Bettina

This process of taking the mind off a topic or problem that we are working on can often be the key to finding the solution. This is why yoga is so powerful: we practice taking our mind out of the ‘thinking routine’ and into the ‘being state’ and while we may not have ground-breaking epiphanies during meditation, the simple act of training the mind to let go is a very important part of breaking from the routine and putting things into perspective.

Thus, it is no surprise that I returned from Germany with fresh ideas for new classes and with the addition of our wonderful new teachers, we have taken the opportunity to expand and enliven our class schedule. Please read on to find out more details about the classes and workshops: They will provide you with plenty of opportunities to take a break from your routine and indulge in the beauty of the present moment.



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