Injuries through Yoga?

Getting injured in yoga does occur from time to time, especially with yoga being sometimes taught in large, gym-like classes with little or no feedback from the teacher and an often competitive atmosphere.  While Hatha yoga is a form of physical activity, which by nature can involve risks, the reduction of yoga to just Asana […]

Can I Practice Yoga after an Injury or Operation?

As with all physical and mental conditions, you have to rely on the medical advice of your doctor.  If he/she suggests that yoga would be beneficial in to the recovery of your condition, there shouldn’t be a reason not to practice.  However, it is critically important that you let the teacher know about your condition […]

Back Pain Truths and Dispelling Myths

Have you ever wondered about the connection between your emotional state (e.g. stress) and how your body responds (e.g. back pain)?  Have you had chronic pain but with no luck getting a concrete diagnosis?   This article by James Bone sheds some light on what “pain” is, some common misconceptions, how the media plays a role […]

Lower Back Pain and the Sacroiliac Joint

Do you experience stinging pain at the back of your pelvis on one side when you bend, twist or stand up after a long period of sitting?  This is a likely indicator of sacroiliac instability.  Gentle adjustments and a targeted yoga routine can relieve pain in your SI joints and lower back.  Click here for […]

Yoga Therapy for Your Knees

If you have chronic pain in your knees, if they “snap, crackle, and pop” when you bend or extend them, or if they tend to hyperextend, you may have improper tracking of the kneecap.  This misalignment causes the most common kind of chronic knee pain and damage to the knee joint, which develop slowly aver […]

Healing and Preventing Wrist Injuries

Few things put the brakes on a yoga practice like a wrist injury.  And though it may seem like the injury is the result of your practice, the cause actually lies in the imbalanced way we use our wrists in daily life. Once we become aware of these imbalances, asana practice can become a powerful […]

Yoga as a Therapy?

It is widely known that Yoga can enhance your physical and emotional well-being, but when Yoga is practiced with a therapeutic intention in the form of Yoga Therapy, it can help prevent and aid recovery from physical and mental ailments.  Yoga has long been practiced with therapeutic intentions as way of transforming both the body […]