Common Questions

Injuries through Yoga?
Getting injured in yoga does occur from time to time, especially with yoga being sometimes taught in large, gym-like classes with little or no feedback from the teacher and an often competitive atmosphere. While Hatha yoga is a form of physical activity, which by nature can involve risks, the reduction of yoga to just Asana […]

Yoga Practice: Force versus Intensity
Classical conditioning is deeply ingrained in our psyche and habits. As such, we are often taught that ‘more is better’ and that there is ‘no gain without pain’. In fact, I used to have this attitude when I first started on my yoga journey, having come from an athletic and intellectual background where you push […]

Why Fads Don’t Work
Paging through the weekend paper I was surprised by the endless lists of “top 10 things to do this year”, “top 5 diets to try” or the “top 20 latest fitness gadgets or trends” that will all easily, quickly and effortlessly transform your life and body. Sounds too good to be true? Well, it may […]

Why rituals help us
Recently, I read an interesting quote: “People say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does washing – that’s why we do it every day!” Isn’t it interesting that we wouldn’t think of skipping our daily shower or brushing of teeth? But when it comes to things like practicing meditation and mindfulness or getting on our […]

How to prepare for a Yoga class
At Yogita Yoga Adelaide studio, we supply mats, props and blankets free of charge, so you can simply “come as you are.” Below are just a few tips to make your first yoga class at Yogita Yoga even more enjoyable: Make sure you are well hydrated and refrain from eating a full meal at least […]