Ayurveda for Changing Seasons: Building Immunity for Winter

Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga and focuses on the healing aspect through food and lifestyle.  This workshop introduces the basics of Ayurveda, India’s traditional natural healing system for body, mind and spirit, and shows how we can balance ourselves for the seasons by a simple adjustment of diet and lifestyle, a light detox […]

Meditation and Pranayama Workshop

If you’ve never tried meditation because “you can’t stop thinking”, experience the beautiful energy and timelessness of learning to breathe and meditate together as a group. If meditation and pranayama is part of your regular yoga practice, you will find joy of learning new aspects about meditation and pranayama, including chakras, energy channels and sound […]

Opening the Door Inward Through Creative Expression

Come and join us for this special workshop: “Opening the Door Inward Through Creative Expression” March 21th, 2:30-5pm Exploration of our inner world is an on-ongoing journey to understand, trust and love ourselves.  There are many roads that can assist us in guiding us to live our lives in a more connected way.  By spontaneously […]

Movie and Philosophy Night

Saturday, 21 Feb 2015, 5 to 7:30pm Adelaide, come & join us for another Yogita Yoga Community Event: We will be using our yoga movie as a catalyst to explore and discuss yogic philosophy & yoga in daily life, followed by chats, tea and cookies. As always, there will be refreshments. Please let us know if […]

Yoga Serenity Day

Come and join us for a nourishing and calming Yoga Serenity Day: Sunday, Dec 14th, 1:30-3:30pm A Yoga Serenity Session is the antidote to our modern-day life, which can be sometimes busy, noisy and tense.  This Yoga Serenity Day is a delicious opportunity to learn the skills of slowing down and entering deep states of […]

Meditation and Pranayama Workshop

Calm your mind, ease tension and access deeper levels of consciousness Saturday, Nov 29, 3:30-5pm If you’ve never tried meditation because “you can’t stop thinking”, experience what it means to learn and share the beautiful energy of breathing and meditating together as a group. If meditation and pranayama is part of your regular yoga practice, […]

Guided Self Practice Workshop

Adelaide, take the next steps in your yoga practice! Saturday, September 6th, 2-4:30pm Those who participated in our “40-Day Yoga Immersion” will recount the profound changes that a Guided Self Practice can bring to your asana, mediation and pranayama practice.  Those of you new to the concept of a Guided Self Practice:  A 2-hour time […]

Women’s Yoga Goddess Gathering

Saturday, 17th May, 2014. 3:00-5pm Ladies come and join us for this special Saturday afternoon of sharing asana, meditation, chanting and women’s stories.  Together we can learn about Goddess archetypes and how they can help us understand ourselves, our habits and paradigms a bit better. Cost $20  Places are limited.   to reserve your spot.