Why Having a Home Practice is a Good Idea


We all know that fitting in a yoga class at a particular time, duration and location can be challenging.  Similarly, if we are traveling for work or pleasure our yoga practice can get short-changed.  While it is all too easy to just let the practice slip, developing a home practice can help you make it through these times, when coming to a class just isn’t an option.

There are a few essentials that are necessary for starting a successful and consistent home practice:


1. Dedicate an area in your house for your yoga practice and make it a ‘sacred’ place by maybe lighting a candle or some incense before your practice
2. Invest in a mat and clothing that you feel good practicing in – a slippery or squashy mat or uncomfortable clothing can quickly take the fun out of your yoga practice.
3. Know how much time you have available and design your practice accordingly.  Never let the excuse of “I have only 15 minutes.” get in the way of your yoga practice – you can do a lot in 15 minutes!  Have a pre-designed selection of 15, 30 and 60 minute practice sequences to choose from.
4. Avoid letting family, phone or the internet interrupt your practice (except in an emergency, of course): be quite firm that this is time for you, and your family will thank you in the long run as your well-being will also benefit those around you.
5. Whatever you do, never skip Savasana!  The rest period at the end of practice is essential to allow the body and mind to refresh and rejuvenate.

You can design a well-rounded home practice yourself by including standing or seated forward bends, back- and side-bends as well as some gentle twists and inversions.  If you don’t know where to start or if you want to focus on specific areas, have a chat to Evelyn: She has some templates of basic home practices available.  If you would like to work with Evelyn on an individual home practice that focuses on your needs and aims, schedule in for a private class.  Here, we will properly assess what you need and you’ll get an individual printed practice plan with pictures.

Namaste, Evelyn


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