Reconnect with your True Self and Restore Your Inner Harmony through the Powerful Synergy of Sound and Frequency.
We are moving rapidly through a time of great shifts and transformation which invites us to return back to Self (Atman) and within this process to release, transform and purify whatever we hold within the quantum field of our body and consciousness which is not in harmonic resonance with True Self. Within our body, heart-mind and energy body, we hold the accumulated energetic imprints of past experiences, conditioning, learned habits & patterns as well as karmic imprints and ancestral energies, of which many keep us in repetitive unhelpful cycles of behaviour and circumstances. Often we are not even aware why we keep repeating certain behaviours or re-experience certain situations. When we give permission, consciously or unconsciously, to those unhelpful imprints and patterns to drive our vessel of body, heart-mind and Soul, we stay in negative loops, which can manifest as physical, emotional/ mental or energetic imbalances, too. Our bodies hold and are essentially space, including our emotional-mental energies, our energy body as well as the Quantum field that we inhabit as Divine Beings, and any space can essentially be cleaned and purified. As we attend to the purification of our space within, we transform that which keeps us from living and being in alignment with the highest expression of who we are.
What you can expect in a Sound & Source Code Frequency Healing
During a Sound & Source Code Frequency Healing we bring awareness to those imprints and energies as well as imbalances within the multidimensional field of your body to be transformed and purified. You will be safely held and supported through a restorative setup, which allows body and mind to relax in order to open up the field you hold to bring to awareness what needs transformation and purification. During the session, I am a spaceholder and facilitator for you to allow for this transformation using various modalities such as Crystal Singing Bowls, Source Code Essences as well as a Scalar Waves Machine.

Crystal Singing Bowls: The soothing and healing vibrations and frequencies of Crystal Singing Bowls work at a cellular level and assist to release blockages, balance energies, and harmonize your physical body, heart-mind & energy body. I use this modality towards the end of the session to allow for integration of whatever has come up for awareness and transformation during the session. This helps to ground and balance the client into the newly freed up space within the field of their body.

Source Code Essences: Source Codes can be seen as symbols holding specific frequencies or vibrational patterns of universal or divine energy, designed to support healing, growth, transformation and self-realization. Each Source Code holds the signature of a particular pattern/ theme. These energetic signatures and codings work on subtle energetic levels and can be imagined like holographic images which move through the quantum field of body, heart-mind, energy body and beyond assisting the human consciousness and being including their body, energy body as well as mind and heart to release and move through their transformation effortlessly, easily and gracefully and to essentially raise their own frequency to operate from a new level of awareness and being within the vessel of the physical body and in alignment with their Highest Self.

Scalar Wave Machine: Scalar Waves or Scalar Energy is a type of longitudinal electromagnetic wave carrying pure energy as well as having the ability to convey information, such as the frequency or information of a healing substance. This promotes balance and vitality within the quantum field of your body. Many imbalances and diseases within our physical body and our emotional/ mental field come about through imbalances and blockages within our energy field, as well as holding those imprints and patterns within the quantum field of our body, which are mentioned above. Scalar Waves help on a physical level to restore energy levels within the cells as well as reduce inflammation and reduce physical imbalances through the improvement of cell health. Additionally, the molecular function of the Scalar machine that I use during a Sound and Source Code Healing session allows for the information and frequency of any given Source Code to be sent into the consciousness of your physical body and beyond to assist with rebalancing your body, heart-mind and energy body as well as allow for an easy and effortless transformation into higher consciousness and awareness.