Yin Yoga – Reconnect and Release




Yin Yoga is a practice of stillness and observation while applying gentle slow pressure as you relax your muscular tissue and allow the stretch move into the deep passive Yin tissue, your ligaments, joints and bones. Energetically, you work on the meridians of your body. One difference to the more active Yang practice are the long held postures using props when necessary to support your body and assist you to let go and sink into your body through the posture. Allow the energy of the posture unfolds slowly as you breathe and observe. Welcome discomfortand try to observe the sensations, physically, mentally and emotionally, however any pain is an indication to use more props or come out of the posture all together, while you keep in mind to only move into the posture to about 50-60%, never to the full 100%, as this would activate Yang tissue and aspects of Yogasana. Please respect the work and energy that went into creating this video and do not share it with any third parties. Music composed by Music of Wisdom.