Anulom Vilom Kriya




The Anulom Vilom Kriya combines breath awareness and visualisation. This Kriya helps to keep the polarities within our body and energy in balance. We live in a world of duality and polarity. We each hold a feminine and masculine aspect, Yin and Yang, each cell in our body has polarity, in each atom the negative charge of electrons balances the positive charge of protons. When we are well balanced, physically, mentally, emotionally we feel grounded and connected, to ourselves and our surroundings. However, this balance can be disturbed, for instance, through electro-magnetic influences and radiation around us, and also other influences. This in effect has an influence on our emotional, mental and also physical wellbeing. 

The Kriya is designed to assist you bring balance back into your system and to restore energy to your body. 

Please respect the energy and effort that went into creating this meditation and do not share it with third parties. I am very grateful however, if you share this page with anyone who might benefit from the meditations or other classes.